Below are the current details of the Kitsilano Secondary School’s Centennial Celebrations. For future updates, visit the KSS website.
Centennial Celebration at Kitsilano Secondary School
Kitsilano Secondary School is hosting its Centennial Celebration on May 12, 2018.
Join other alumni, administrators, teachers and staff at the school and explore the rich history and enduring spirit that makes Kitsilano so amazing.
Start the day with a pancake breakfast at the Kitsilano Community Center, then head across the street to school gym for the Opening Ceremonies to sing Hail Kitsilano with hundreds of Kities of all ages.
Travel back to your time at Kits while visiting the decade rooms, full of school archives and memorabilia. Share stories of your days as a Kitsie with the current generation of students who are excited to host this special event. Examine the War Memorial and class composites of the school’s first decades of graduates at the Heritage Entrance.
View the fine arts exhibits, music and drama performances and experience the many interactive displays around the building.
Visit the Classic Car show and food trucks on Trafalgar Street and relive your glory days at the Sports Hall of Fame as you watch the alumni basketball tournament below in the Kitsilano’s bright new triple gymnasium. Wear the blue and gold again with available vintage reproduction merchandise.
Don’t miss the opportunity to show your Kitsilano School Spirit – register today!
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2018
Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: Kitsilano Secondary School: 2706 Trafalgar Street, Vancouver BC
Register online or by mail. See details at kits100.org
Pub Night
Fundraiser at Ceili’s Pub raised over $2100 for KSSAA!! See you at the next one on November 18, 2014